Categories Select All Cards Curriculum General Categories Foundations of Islam - Obligatory Acts Foundations of Islam - Theology God, Religion and Islam: An Introduction Independent Topics Islam, Religion, and Modern Controversies Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Measuring Good and Bad in Islam Prophethood in Islam Special Topics The Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and h... The Qur'an and Hadith Converting to Islam God, Religion and Islam Introductio... Islam, Religion and Modern Controve... Curriculum General All | Question & Answer | Glossary Are idols statues only? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is worship in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is shirk? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is tawhīd compatible with the Christian notion of the Trinity? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the best way to struggle against my evil nafs? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Jihad al-Asghar? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Jihad al-Akbar? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Jihad? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between duʿā and the five daily salāt? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many daily obligatory prayers/salāt do we have? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is salāt performed at the same time every day? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I be a Muslim and not pray? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is it ok that I perform salāt on my own time if I’m too busy? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is tahāra? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is najāsa? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is tayammum? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If I perform ghusl, do I have to perform wudū as well? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Does najāsa or janāba mean dirty? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between wajib and fard? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is mustahab? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Makruh? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can something mubah become wajib? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many categories of law do we have in Islamic practice? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Tawalla? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Tabarra? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is wrong with associating with the enemies of the Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt (as)? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What role does Tabarra play in the world? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What’s the connection between tawalla and tabarra and amr bi al-maʿrūf and nahī ʿan al-munkar? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Khums? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Zakat? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is khums money usually used for? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who do I pay khums to? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I pay zakat in dollars? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the Kaʿba? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Did the Hajj rituals begin with the Prophet Muhammad? (s) Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many times do Muslims have to walk around the Kaʿba for? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the tawāf? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the Hajj? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is fasting during the month of Ramadan obligatory? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I choose which month I want to fast for the 30-day obligatory fast instead of the month of Ramadan? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I fast half of the month of Ramadan, take a break and fast some other time during the year? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I fast if I am sick? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If an Islamic obligation or prohibition is not part of the furūʿ al-dīn, does it mean it is less important? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many laws and commandments are there in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If I stay single but don’t sin, or am not tempted to sin, is marriage still obligatory? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I yell at my parents if I’m angry? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I force my wife to get a job and pay the bills in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is niyya? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is good niyya? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is bad niyya? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is niyya outward or supposed to be from the heart? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is one way of learning how to have good niyya? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Commanding the Good? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Forbidding Evil? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is Commanding the Good and Forbidding Evil obligatory? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If I see someone not praying, and I know me telling them to do it won’t do any good, do I still have to Command what is Good? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between Jihad and Commanding the Good & Forbidding Evil? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Did previous Prophets according to the Qur’an have their companions betray them and apostate from religion? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the distinction between sahabi and muttabiʿ? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why did some companions turn bad? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Did the majority of the Prophet’s companions turn his back on him, like Musa (as), after he died? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who is the best source to tell us about the goal of Karbala? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the best source for Imam al-Sajjad’s message? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What was the primary purpose of Imam al-Husayn (as) fighting in Karbala? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the furū al-dīn? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Telling the truth is not part of the 10 furūʿ al-dīn, does this mean it’s not important? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What’s the difference between usūl al-dīn and furūʿ al-dīn? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If I don’t believe in practicing the furūʿ al-dīn, can I still be a Muslim? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Are the furūʿ al-dīn obligatory or recommended? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I be punished in the after life if I don’t perform my religious obligations? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can I still be a Muslim if I don’t believe in religious obligations? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is belief enough for salvation in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is one of the prime distinguishers between someone who is a real Muslim and someone who is not? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Straight Path of Allah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Islam Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. ʿAmal Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tawhīd Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ibāda Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. uṣūl al-dīn Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nafs al-Mut’mainnah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nafs al-Lawwāma Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Jihad al-Asghar Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Jihad al-Akbar Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Jihad Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Salāt al-Mayyit Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Duʿā Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Salāt al-Ayāt Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nāfila Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Mustahab Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tahāra Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Najāsa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Janāba Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tāhir Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Najis Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ghusl Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wudū Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ghusl Irtimāsī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tayamum Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wājib Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Fard Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Mustahab Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Mubah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Makruh Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Haram Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wajib Kifaya Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wajib Ayn Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Niyya Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tawalla Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tabarra Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wala Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Baraa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Umbrella term Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Khums Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Zakat Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Marja Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Muzdalifa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Safa and Marwa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Umrah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Day of Arafah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Zamzam Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Hajj Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Kaʿba Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tawāf Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Siyām Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ramadan Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Eid al-Fitr Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Suhūr Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Iftār Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ghība Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nafaqa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ribā Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Kabā’ir (sing. Kabīra) Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Niyya Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email