18 April, 2024

9 Shawwal, 1445 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -


Core Curriculum

Section 1 - God, Religion and Islam: An Introduction
  • Topic 1.1 - God, Allah and Religion

  • Topic 1.2 - What is “Religion” and What’s the Point of it Anyways?

  • Topic 1.3 - Introduction to Islam

  • Topic 1.4 - A Brief Introduction to the Prophet Muhammad (s), the Prophet of Islam

Section 2 - Foundations of Islam - Theology
  • Topic 2.1 - Satan, Jinns and Angels: Their Influence in the World

  • Topic 2.2 - The Islamic Concept of the Nafs: Battling the Human Ego

  • Topic 2.3 - The Sharīʿa: Purpose and Practice

  • Topic 2.4 - Nubuwwa: The Purpose of Prophethood in Islam

  • Topic 2.5 - Tawhīd: The Unity and Oneness of God in Islam

  • Topic 2.6 - The Usūl al-Dīn: The Fundamental Beliefs of Islam

  • Topic 2.7 - Adala: Divine Justice in Islam

  • Topic 2.8 - Entering Islam: The Shahada

  • Topic 2.9 - Maʿād: The Day of Judgment in Islam

  • Topic 2.10 - Imāmah or divinely guided leadership in Islam after the Prophet Muhammad.

Section 3 - Foundations of Islam - Obligatory Acts
  • Topic 3.1 - Accepting Islam: Putting Faith into Action

  • Topic 3.2 - The Furūʿ al-Dīn: The Fundamental Practices of Islam

  • Topic 3.3 - Salāt: Obligatory Ritual Prayers in Islam

  • Topic 3.4 - Fasting in Islam, its Purpose, Dos and Don’ts

  • Topic 3.5 - The Hajj Pilgrimage

  • Topic 3.6 - The Purpose of Zakat and Khums in Islamic Law

  • Topic 3.7 - Jihād in Islamic Law and Spirituality

  • Topic 3.8 - Commanding the Good and Forbidding Evil in Islam

  • Topic 3.9 - Tawalla and Tabarra, its Basics and Purpose

  • Topic 3.10 - The Five Categories of Islamic Law

  • Topic 3.11 - Niyya: Religious Intention as the Foundation of Islamic Practice

  • Topic 3.12 - Ritual Purity in Islamic Law: Understanding Tahāra and Najāsa

  • Topic 3.13 - Other Obligatory and Forbidden Acts in Islam

Section 4 - Prophethood in Islam
  • Topic 4.1 - A Brief Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (s): The Prophet’s Childhood (PART I of III)

  • Topic 4.2 - Bio: The Prophet Muhammad as a Prophet of God (PART II of III)

  • Topic 4.3 - A Brief Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (s): The Prophet’s Character (PART III of III)

  • Topic 4.4 - The Prophet Muhammad (s) as Messenger and Teacher

  • Topic 4.5 - The Prophet and his Relationships

  • Topic 4.6 - The Prophet’s Sunnah and Hadith

  • Topic 4.7 - Ghadīr and Arafah: The Two Last Sermons of the Prophet

  • Topic 4.8 - Jesus and Mary in Islam

Section 5 - The Qur'an and Hadith
  • Topic 5.1 - Islam and Other Religions

  • Topic 5.2 - What is the Qur’an? A Short Introduction to Islam’s Holy Book

  • Topic 5.3 - The Structure of the Holy Qur’an

  • Topic 5.4 - The Quran and Islamic law

  • Topic 5.5 - The Qur’an, Allah and Humankind

  • Topic 5.6 - Hadith and Sunnah, difference and variations

  • Topic 5.7 - The Reliability of Hadiths

  • Topic 5.8 - A Reflection on Verses of the Holy Qur’an

  • Topic 5.9 - Hadith al-Thaqalayn

  • Topic 5.10 - Imam Ali (as) and Nahj al-Balagha.

  • Topic 5.11 - Taqlid and Tawḍih Al Masail Genre of Literature

Section 6 - Measuring Good and Bad in Islam
  • Topic 6.1 - Guidance According to Islam

  • Topic 6.2 - Life and Death in Islam

  • Topic 6.3 - Heaven and Hell in Islam

  • Topic 6.4 - The Effects of Our Actions in this World

  • Topic 6.5 - The Gray Areas of Islamic Law and Morality

  • Topic 6.6 - Benefits of Islamic Law in this World

  • Topic 6.7 - Good and Bad Deeds: The Spiritual Consequences of our Choices

  • Topic 6.8 - The Effect of Culture and Environment in Shaping our Religious Choices

  • Topic 6.9 - Fate and the Consequences of our Choices in Islam

  • Topic 6.10 - Trivializing the Harām

  • Topic 6.11 - Sinning Against Others and their Delayed Punishment

  • Topic 6.12 - The Three Kinds of Rights in Islam

  • Topic 6.13 - Major Sins in Islam

  • Topic 6.14 - Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins in Islam

  • Topic 6.15 - Kufr in Islam

  • Topic 6.16 - Why Allah Allows People to Sin

Section 7 - The Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and his Ahl al-Bayt (as)
  • Topic 7.1 - Islam and Knowledge: the Importance of Islamic Education

  • Topic 7.2 - The Ahl al-Kisa

  • Topic 7.3 - Imamah in the Qur’an

  • Topic 7.4 - Fatima al-Zahrah (as)

  • Topic 7.5 - A Brief Look at the Lives of the Imams (Imam al-Hasan until Imam Muhammad al-Baqir)

  • Topic 7.6 - A Brief Look at the Lives of the Imams (Imam Jafar al-Sadiq until Imam Hasan al-Askari)

  • Topic 7.7 - A Brief Look at the Life and Importance of Imam al-Mahdi (aj)

  • Topic 7.8 - Salawat and Atonement in Islam

  • Topic 7.9 - The Companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet According to the Qur’an

  • Topic 7.10 - Clerical Hierarchies in Muslim Communities

  • Topic 7.11 - Mosques in Islam

  • Topic 7.12 - The Philosophy of Karbala and Majalis

  • Topic 7.13 - A Brief Biography of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)

  • Topic 7.14 - The Battle of Karbala: A Brief History

Section 8 - Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts
  • Topic 8.1 - Islam and Rights

  • Topic 8.2 - Islam and Religious Conflicts

  • Topic 8.3 - Major Sects of Islam

  • Topic 8.4 - Sunnism and Shi’ism, beginnings and historical developments.

  • Topic 8.5 - Misconceptions about Shi’ism


Special Topics

Section 9 - Independent Topics
  • Topic 9.1 - Muslim Converts – Welcome to Islam!

  • Topic 9.2 - Basic Dos and Don’ts of Being a Muslim

  • Topic 9.3 - Halal Food and Zabiha

  • Topic 9.4 - Modesty in Islam

  • Topic 9.5 - Family, Parents and Marriage in Islam

  • Topic 9.6 - Marriage in Islam

  • Topic 9.7 - Islam and Sex

  • Topic 9.8 - Women’s Menstruation in Islam

  • Topic 9.9 - Music, Alcohol, Drugs and Pork in Islam

  • Topic 9.10 - Islam and Science

  • Topic 9.11 - A Reading List of Islamic Knowledge

  • Topic 9.12 - Islam and Sufism

  • Topic 9.13 - Ritual Prayers and Supplications in Islam

  • Topic 9.14 - Death & Burial Rituals in Islam

  • Topic 9.15 - The Battle of Armageddon: An Islamic View

  • Topic 9.16 - The Muslim Calendar

  • Topic 9.17 - Muslims and non-Muslims in the Shariah

  • Topic 9.18 - A Timeline of Major Events in Islamic History

  • Topic 9.19 - Introducing the Qur’an: Why it is the way it is

  • Topic 9.20 - The School of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq

  • Topic 9.21 - Major Fields in Islamic Studies

  • Topic 9.22 - The Caliphate in Sunni and Shia Islam

  • Topic 9.23 - The Spread of Islam: After the Prophet until the Ottoman Empire

  • Topic 9.24 - Islam, Racism and Anti-Semitism

Section 10 - Islam, Religion, and Modern Controversies
  • Topic 10.1 - Modern Fallacies about God: where Theists and Atheists Agree

  • Topic 10.2 - Tawhīd: The Muslim God according to the Prophet Muhammad and the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

  • Topic 10.3 - God’s Existence: The Argument From Being (Wujūd)

  • Topic 10.4 - God’s Existence: The Kalam Cosmological Argument

  • Topic 10.5 - God’s Existence: The Argument From Design

  • Topic 10.6 - The Problem of Evil, Suffering and Pain

  • Topic 10.7 - Why did God Create Us? The Purpose of our Creation

  • Topic 10.8 - Why Humans Need Religion according to Islam

  • Topic 10.9 - Jahl and Spiritual Ignorance in Islam

  • Topic 10.10 - Faith in Islam: Belief without Evidence?

  • Topic 10.11 - Do Non-Muslims Go to Hell?

The Prophet and his Relationships


This lesson looks at the Prophet’s relationship with God, his Progeny, the Islamic community and his companions and how these demonstrate his nature as the perfect man of God. 



Bismillāhir Rahmānir Rahīm, As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh. Peace be upon you brothers and sisters. 


Welcome back to the Muslim Converts Channel! Our current section is about the Prophet Muhammad (s). In each lesson that we cover in this section, we want to deal with a particular aspect of the Messenger of Allah (s). In this lesson, we want to look at the various kinds of relationships that the Messenger of Allah (swt) had.  


First we will begin with his relationship with God. Second, we will look into his relationship with the Qur’an, then his family, companions and finally his Islamic community.  


So let’s begin! 




Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands. So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself. And he who fulfills that which he has promised Allah - He will give him a great reward. (Chapter 45, verse 10 of the Holy Qur’an) 


The Prophet (s) and Allah 


The Prophet Muhammad’s (s) relationship with Allah was founded on absolute trust, obedience, sincerity and love to Him. The relationship was that of total servitude. In short, the best word we can find for this is Islam, which means to submit and serve God alone.  


Every action the Prophet took, or every word that he spoke, was founded on his love and dedication of Allah. The Prophet actually slept very little. He spent his nights worshipping Allah in his night prayers.  


Perhaps a good example from his life that shows his dedication to Allah is the conquest of Mecca. When the Prophet (s) conquered Mecca, he could have, like other leaders, come in arrogantly and boasted about his virtues. But no, instead, he entered the city with his head humbly bowed down not looking at anyone. This is because the Prophet knew that Allah does not like arrogant and boastful people. He like those who are humble and meek at heart.  


A telling part of one of his spiritual moral character was when he asked Muslims whether or not he had fulfilled his duty to Allah after his victory over the Meccan Arabs. His companions replied “yes.” He went ahead and asked the question two more times, and they replied “yes” to both. This event shows that the Prophet (s) was not concerned with worldly fame, or power, or reputation. All he was concerned with was his standing and reputation before Allah.  


 The Prophet and the Holy Qur’an 


Islam is a way of life. This means that our religious beliefs and practices cannot remain abstract. They must be materialized. The Qur’an was sent by God as a manual on how to lead the proper religious life. However, the Qur’an, as wonderful as it was, was still a book and was made up of words only. Perhaps the Prophet’s greatest relationship with the Qur’an, aside from having been the vessel for its revelation, was that he was the Qur’an in action. 


We have plenty of companions at the time of the Prophet (s) who described him as the “walking and talking Qur’an.” This meant that he was a total embodiment of the Qur’an’s message. This is why it is very important to study the Sunnah of the Prophet for it is one of the main ways of truly understanding the Qur’an. 


The Prophet and his Progeny 


No man lives forever. But the message of Islam had to continue. Furthermore, Islam had to have continuing role models, at least during the time of the first few generations of Muslims for those times were the formative years of Islam. Allah chose the Prophet’s (s) progeny or Ahl al-Bayt (as) as his religious successors in guiding humankind to salvation in there Hereafter. 


The Prophet (s), knowing the role they were to play, spent his life training them so that they would be prepared when he would have to depart this world. For example, the Prophet (s) took Imām Ali (as) under his care when he was just a baby and trained him so that he would take the mantle of Imāmah after him. The Prophet (s) did so similarly with Fātima (as) as well as Imam al-Hasan (as) and Imam al-Husain (as).   


In short, the Ahl al-Bayt (as) were primed and prepped for inheriting the knowledge and the character of the Prophet (s). Obviously this was not the only means through which they gained knowledge as Allah also reveled knowledge to them through inspiration. But nevertheless, direct learning from the Prophet (s) still played a major role in the training of the early members of the Ahl al-Bayt (as).  


The Prophet and the Muslim Ummah 


The purpose of the Prophet being sent to humankind was to save their souls and spirits. He was sent to heal people’s hearts from various spiritual diseases, all of which stemmed from separation from God. In the Middle East, and eventually to the world, the Prophet Muhammad (s) preached monotheism. 


The Prophet (s) thus taught them, prayed for them and showed them compassion. No matter who they were, the Prophet always helped widows, orphans and the poor. By showing compassion, the Messenger of Allah (s) not only expressed to them the love that was in his heart, but by doing so he also opened their hearts to him and Allah. This is quite the good point to remember. If we are to guide people to Islam, the best and only way is through compassion and love, not hatred and force. This was the example of the Prophet and the example which we as Muslims should follow.  


The intention of creating a Ummah or Islamic community was to break down tribal, geographic and racial barriers. These identities that people have, whether they are racial or tribal, are all mental creations and beget hatred of others. The worst part of these attitudes is that they lead to alienation from God. By breaking these illusions, the Prophet wanted to bring everyone together as equal creations before Allah where the only merit of superiority was piety and fear of Allah. 


The Prophet and his Companions 


The Prophet (s) had good and bad companions. Some were good in his lifetime and continued to be good afterwards, like Salman and Abu Dharr. Others, however, may have been good in his life time, but deviated after his death. The Prophet obviously knew what would happen, but did not want to take away their chance of guidance. If he disowned them, then maybe that would ruin their chances of repentance sometime towards the end of their lives. 


Until Next Time, Thank you for watching. As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh 

No new vocabulary to add

No new vocabulary to add 


What was the Prophet’s relationship with the Qur’an?

He was the Qur’an in action. 


Why did the Prophet (s) show compassion to people?

By showing compassion, the Messenger of Allah (s) not only expressed to them the love that was in his heart, but by doing so he also opened their hearts to him and in turn, their hearts to Allah. 


How was the Prophet’s relationship with Allah?

It was founded on absolute trust, obedience, sincerity and love to Him. The relationship was that of total servitude. 


Why did the Prophet (s) not disown the companions he knew would deviate after him?

He did not want to take away their chance of guidance as everyone must have a chance at salvation. 


What’s the point of an Ummah?

To break down tribal, geographic and racial barriers. These identities that people have, whether they are racial or tribal, are all mental creations and often beget hatred towards others and eventually alienation from God. 

Prophet Muhammad
Messenger of Allah
Ahl al-Bayt
Islamic community
moral character
muslim ummah

A Glimpse of the Character Traits of the Prophet by Sayyid Mujtahid Zanjani  

Infallibility of the Prophet by Sayed Murtaza Askari 

Mission of the Prophet of Islam by Muhammad Raza Hakimi 

Prophethood and the Prophet of Islam by Ibrahim Amini 

Sayings of the Prophet by Anonymous   

Seal of the Prophet & His Message by Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari  

The Life of Muhammad the Prophet by Saeed Akhtar Rizvi  

The Prophet and Messenger of Allah by Yasin Jibouri  

The Prophet Muhammad: A Mercy to the World by Muhammad Shirazi